
I am proud and pleased as punch to announce that the full download version of my brand new album Sinombré Vol I: All Hope is Gone will be released tonight at 6 P.M GMT to those who have pledged on my campaign.

I will write a full and extensive summary and thanks as the campaign draws to a close. For now, I am simply thanking everyone once again for the incredible commitment and support that you have given to the campaign and for making this release possible. It is 100% down to you. There has not been one word in the press on media, no radio play. Just Social networks, Pledge Music's page and word of mouth have enabled me to produce and release what I consider to be my best album to date, which is truly incredible.

From mail and messages I've received, I know there are a fair number of people who 'don't do Pledge,' and don't like to download music, and who simply wish to get a CD copy of the album. Firstly, this means you will have missed out on an absolute stack of free bonus material - a free live album, the possibility to purchase a bonus album that won't be released, a number of pledge exclusive songs, videos etc. Every download has been made available in formats that enable you to burn this material to CD if you choose, but, for starters it would simply be financially impossible for me release all of this stuff on CD. Also, part of the idea of the Pledge journey is to provide a constant stream of free exclusive content during the campaign, and I've tried to make that incentive as atractive as possible, meaning that, in real terms, a basic £8 download pledge, or £12 CD pledge provides you with the equivalent of around £60 worth of material, were it to be released commercially.

One of the most common comments has been, 'I'll wait and grab a copy of the CD from you at a gig.'  Whilst the campaign has been huge success, it does not look likely that there will be money to enable me to play any gigs in conjunction with its release, meaning that the 'grab a CD from a gig,' option is not going to be possible. I live in hope that at some point I will be in a position to be able to put on some live dates, but it won't be anytime soon.

The campaign now has just 30 days left to run before it closes (it ends on 31st July). At that point, all of the exclusives will disappear forever. (The free live album will be removed on 7th July). After that, the new CD will be available to purchase from my online store. I have no intention of releasing it via iTunes/Amazon/Spotify etc. as I feel that would be to betray all of the people who have helped to make this album happen.

This is not in any way a case of me saying, 'Go on, Pledge, you know you want to.' Having released my previous album via fan-funding, I suspect that, once it's too late, I will be inundated with requests for all of the material that is no longer available. I know I've already mentioned this in previous posts but, at the risk of needless repetition: once it's gone, it's gone.

But, to close on the brightest and most exciting note: my new album launches TONIGHT!

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